About our system

chameleon X is the system that allows you to change the colors of your OEM angel eyes in many static and dynamic modes
iOS and Android

iOS and Android

we support all iOS (from iOS 8.0) and Android (from 6.1) Devices

Static and Dynamic modes

You can choose form 16 pre-defined colors
+ 4 white shades or choose exactly color you like from 16,7 Milion possibilities.
16 Dynamic modes are also available for you. You can set: FLASH, SMOOTH, BREATHE, POLICE, FIRE, AMBULANCE, MAINTENANCE


Showcase your products in this beautiful shop section.

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Waist Straight Jean

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Butterflies Handbag

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Glory Handbag

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Meet our team

Jakub Fortuna

Jakub Fortuna


Main engineer with more than 15 years of expierience in electronics production. BMW cars fan and enthusiast. 5-series is his car of choise.

Katarzyna Fortuna

Katarzyna Fortuna


Locavore pinterest chambray affogato art party, forage coloring book typewriter. Bitters cold selfies, retro celiac sartorial mustache.

Andrzej Biaduń

Andrzej Biaduń


Pok pok direct trade godard street art, poutine fam typewriter food truck narwhal kombucha wolf cardigan butcher whatever pickled you.

Aleksanda Miturska

Aleksanda Miturska


Small batch vexillologist 90's blue bottle stumptown bespoke. Pok pok tilde fixie chartreuse, VHS gluten-free selfies wolf hot.

What clients say

People that are using our products are happy to share their experience.
Inverness McKenzie

Inverness McKenzie

Business Owner

"We have no regrets! After using your product my business skyrocketed! I made back the purchase price in just 48 hours! I couldn't have asked for more than this."

Hanson Deck

Hanson Deck

Independent Artist

"Your company is truly upstanding and is behind its product 100 percent. Hestia is worth much more than I paid. I like Hestia more each day because it makes easier."

Natalya Undergrowth

Natalya Undergrowth


"Thank you for making it painless, pleasant and most of all hassle free! I am so pleased with this product. Dude, your stuff is great! I will refer everyone I know."


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Find us at the office

qb solutions Jakub Fortuna
ul. Klementyny Hoffmanowej 19/205
35-016 Rzeszów, Poland
REGON: 180584464
NIP (VAT EU): 8133622905

Give us a ring

+48 606 100 948 - Mon-Fri, 8:00-18:00 CET

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